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Each Full Member school district or organization has one voting representative on the NWECS Board.
Meetings are held twice a year or more as needed. 


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Amanda Kostner


Amanda works with our members to create the NWECS Course Guide and enroll our students in high school and college credit courses.  She works directly with our school counselors, facilitators, techs, teachers, and administrators to provide our students with an interactive, engaging distance learning environment.  

Wayne Erdman

ITV Specialist

Wayne provides our members with a wealth of knowledge concerning the audio and video experience. He researches, tests, and develops options for our future video conferencing classrooms.  Wayne delivers both off-site and on-site technical assistance and installs NWECS audio and video equipment at the schools when needed. 


Brenda Rouzer

Virtual Field Trip Coordinator 

Brenda coordinates our live, interactive virtual field trips between our students and historical sites, art museums, science museums, zoos, career experts, and the North Pole. Brenda tests and monitors the video connections and is available to answer routine technical questions by phone or email.

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